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Perfect Recipe for a Paper Plane Cocktail: A Journey in a Glass

Thu, Oct 12, 23  |  bourbon cocktails

The Paper Plane cocktail is a modern classic that has taken the cocktail world by storm. This delightful concoction offers a balance of flavors that's both intriguing and refreshing. If you're a cocktail enthusiast or just someone looking for a unique and tasty drink, the Paper Plane cocktail is a must-try.


  • 3/4 oz (22.5 ml) Bourbon
  • 3/4 oz (22.5 ml) Aperol
  • 3/4 oz (22.5 ml) Amaro Nonino
  • 3/4 oz (22.5 ml) Fresh Lemon Juice
  • Ice
  • Lemon Peel (for garnish)


  1. Start by preparing your cocktail shaker.
  2. Fill the shaker with ice to chill it, and set it aside.
  3. In a measuring glass or another container, measure out the following ingredients:

  • 3/4 oz of Bourbon
  • 3/4 oz of Aperol
  • 3/4 oz of Amaro Nonino
  • 3/4 oz of fresh lemon juice

  1. Pour these measured ingredients into the ice-filled shaker.
  2. Put the lid on the shaker and shake vigorously for about 10-15 seconds. This will help combine all the ingredients and chill the mixture.
  3. Strain the cocktail into a chilled coupe glass. You can use a fine mesh strainer to prevent any ice or pulp from going into the glass.
  4. To garnish your Paper Plane cocktail, take a strip of lemon peel and express the oils by holding it over the glass and giving it a gentle twist. This releases the lemon's aromatic oils onto the drink.
  5. Optionally, you can rim the glass with the lemon peel or drop it into the cocktail for added visual appeal and a hint of extra citrus aroma.
  6. Your classic Paper Plane cocktail is ready to be enjoyed. Sip and savor the balanced blend of flavors, and let it transport you to cocktail bliss.

The Paper Plane cocktail is unique in its taste profile. It combines the boldness of bourbon with the refreshing bitterness of Aperol, the subtle herbal notes of Amaro Nonino, and the zesty kick of fresh lemon juice. The result is a beautifully balanced cocktail that's citrusy, slightly bitter, and boasts a touch of smokiness from the bourbon. It's like a symphony of flavors in a single glass.

Whether you're at a cocktail bar or mixing drinks at home, the Paper Plane cocktail is an excellent choice. Its versatility and captivating taste make it a hit among cocktail enthusiasts. It pairs wonderfully with light, flavorful dishes such as seafood, salads, and even spicy dishes, complementing their flavors with its zesty and slightly bitter notes.

For those new to mixology, the Paper Plane cocktail is a great starting point. It's relatively simple to make, yet the taste is far from ordinary. The ingredients are readily available, and the steps are easy to follow. You can impress your friends or guests at your next gathering by serving them this unique and delightful cocktail.

In conclusion, the Paper Plane cocktail is not just a drink; it's an experience. Its intriguing blend of ingredients and flavors makes it a modern classic that's here to stay. So, the next time you're in the mood for a cocktail that's both unique and satisfying, take flight with a Paper Plane cocktail. Cheers!

By Jason Zheng

Tags: paper plane cocktail paper plane cocktail recipe paper plane cocktails