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Homemade Eggnog: A Festive Delight for the Holidays

Tue, Jan 09, 24  |  bourbon cocktails

Homemade eggnog is a classic and indulgent holiday treat that adds warmth and cheer to festive gatherings. This rich and creamy beverage, with its blend of eggs, milk, and spices, captures the essence of the season. Get ready to experience the joy of making your own eggnog at home with this delightful recipe.


  • 4 cups whole milk
  • 1 cup heavy cream
  • 1 and 1/3 cups granulated sugar
  • 6 large egg yolks
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 3/4 cup bourbon (for the adult version)
  • 1 teaspoon ground nutmeg
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground cloves
  • Pinch of salt


Separate Egg Yolks:

Begin by separating the egg yolks from the whites. Place the yolks in a large mixing bowl.

Whisk in Sugar:

Add the granulated sugar to the egg yolks and whisk until the mixture becomes smooth and slightly thickened.

Combine Spices and Salt:

In a separate bowl, combine the ground nutmeg, cinnamon, cloves, and a pinch of salt. Mix the spices together, ensuring an even distribution of flavors.

Heat Milk and Cream:

In a saucepan, heat the whole milk and heavy cream over medium heat until it reaches a scalding temperature (just below boiling).

Temper Egg Mixture:

Slowly pour the heated milk and cream mixture into the egg and sugar mixture, whisking continuously to avoid curdling. This process is called tempering.

Return to Heat:

Pour the combined mixture back into the saucepan and return it to the stove over medium heat. Stir continuously until the mixture thickens slightly, coating the back of a spoon.

Add Vanilla and Spices:

Remove the mixture from the heat and stir in the vanilla extract and the combined spices. This step infuses the eggnog with warm and aromatic flavors.

Optional Adult Version:

For an adult twist, stir in bourbon or rum, adding a festive kick to your eggnog. Adjust the quantity based on your preference.

Chill and Serve:

Allow the eggnog to cool to room temperature before transferring it to the refrigerator. Let it chill for at least 4 hours or overnight to enhance the flavors.

Serve and Garnish:

Once chilled, give the eggnog a final stir and ladle it into glasses. Grate fresh nutmeg on top for a finishing touch.

Enjoy the Festive Sip:

Your homemade eggnog is ready to be enjoyed! Sip and savor the creamy, spiced goodness that embodies the holiday spirit.

Tips for the Perfect Homemade Eggnog:

Freshly Grated Nutmeg:

Grate nutmeg fresh for garnishing; it imparts a more intense and aromatic flavor.

Serve Chilled:

Ensure the eggnog is well-chilled before serving to enhance its creamy texture and cool refreshment.

Experiment with Spirits:

Tailor the adult version by experimenting with different spirits like bourbon, rum, or brandy to find your preferred flavor profile.

Make Ahead:

Prepare the eggnog a day in advance to allow the flavors to meld and intensify for a richer taste.

Homemade eggnog is not just a drink; it's a festive tradition that brings loved ones together. So, gather around, raise your glasses, and toast to the joyous season with this decadent and heartwarming treat. Cheers!

By Jason Zheng

Tags: homemade eggnog homemade eggnog recipe homemade eggnog cocktail