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Blue Blazer Cocktail Recipe

Thu, Oct 12, 23  |  scotch cocktails

The Blue Blazer cocktail is a stunning and fiery drink that's not only a treat for your taste buds but also a mesmerizing spectacle. If you're looking to impress your guests with a unique and visually captivating drink, the Blue Blazer is the way to go. In this post, we'll guide you through crafting this extraordinary beverage.

The Blue Blazer cocktail is a classic creation that combines Scotch whisky, hot water, and a touch of showmanship. This drink is known for its fiery presentation, with the bartender dramatically igniting a stream of flaming liquid, creating a visually striking display. It's an ideal choice for those who appreciate both flavor and entertainment in their drinks.


To create the Blue Blazer cocktail, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 2 oz of high-quality Scotch whisky
  • 2 oz of hot water
  • 1/2 oz of rich demerara syrup (2 parts demerara sugar to 1 part water)
  • Lemon peel for garnish
  • Heat-resistant glass or mug
  • A second heat-resistant glass for mixing

Mixing Instructions

Let's dive into the steps of crafting the Blue Blazer cocktail:

  1. Begin by warming both the Scotch whisky and hot water. It's important to ensure they're hot but not boiling.
  2. In a heat-resistant glass or mug, add the 2 oz of hot water.
  3. In another heat-resistant glass, pour the 2 oz of Scotch whisky and 1/2 oz of rich demerara syrup.
  4. Now, ignite the liquid in the second glass using a long lighter or a bartender's flame wand.
  5. With the flaming liquid in one glass and the hot water in the other, carefully start pouring the flaming liquid back and forth between the two glasses, creating an impressive fiery stream.

Adding the Citrus Twist

The Blue Blazer cocktail gets its name from the fiery blue display it creates. However, to add a subtle citrus aroma and flavor, a lemon peel garnish is often used:

  • After performing the flaming pour a few times, extinguish the flames by simply covering one of the glasses.
  • To serve, strain the Blue Blazer cocktail into a heat-resistant glass or mug.
  • Garnish with a lemon peel, expressing the lemon oils over the top by giving it a gentle twist.

Enjoying Your Blue Blazer

The Blue Blazer cocktail is a dynamic combination of flavors, with the heat of the Scotch whisky, the sweetness of the demerara syrup, and the hint of citrus from the lemon peel garnish. The true magic, however, lies in its mesmerizing presentation.

Sip the Blue Blazer slowly, savoring its unique taste and the aroma of the lemon twist. This cocktail is perfect for those looking to add a touch of theatrics to their mixology skills.


The Blue Blazer cocktail is more than just a drink; it's a performance art piece that combines taste and spectacle. Whether you're hosting a special gathering or simply want to impress friends, this cocktail is sure to leave a lasting impression. Craft it with care, and watch as the flames dance, adding a touch of drama to your evening.

Now, gather your ingredients, follow the steps, and create your own Blue Blazer cocktail. Elevate your mixology skills and enjoy the magic of this classic drink.


1. Can I use any type of Scotch whisky for the Blue Blazer cocktail?

It's recommended to use a quality Scotch whisky, preferably a single malt, for the best flavor.

2. Is it safe to handle flaming liquid when making the Blue Blazer cocktail?

Care and caution are essential when handling flaming liquid. Ensure you have the proper equipment and follow safety guidelines.

3. Can I use regular sugar syrup instead of demerara syrup?

While demerara syrup is preferred for its rich flavor, you can substitute it with regular sugar syrup if needed.

4. Are there any alternative garnishes for the Blue Blazer cocktail?

While lemon peel is traditional, you can experiment with other citrus twists or even orange or cherry garnishes for variation.

5. What type of glass or mug should I use for serving the Blue Blazer cocktail?

A heat-resistant glass or mug, often referred to as a toddy glass, is the best choice to serve this hot cocktail.

By Jason Zheng

Tags: blue blazer cocktail recipe blue blazer cocktail blue blazer recipe